Sunday, June 6, 2010

Viva La France!

I'm here!! After two plane rides, a lay over and a bus ride from the airport, I have arrived in France! When I arrived it was 10:30 am, so the day had just begun. I thought I would be tired, but I perked right up when I knew the Eiffel Tower was just a few minutes away.

I had the bus driver drop me off right in front of L'Arc De Triomphe (The Arch of Triumph) It was HUGE. I'm coming to find that all the monuments in Paris are so much bigger than movies or postcards say they are. As I walked to my hotel, I was on the look out of the Eiffel Tower. Then I saw it, just the tip of it and I just stopped and stared. Tears came to my eyes (Not even joking). I finally got to see what I've been waiting for my whole life. I ran like the wind, across bridges, making pigeons fly up around everywhere and then there is was. The whole thing. In the afternoon, I went and climbed the Tower to the TOP!

Check out my pictures from the top.